With you every step
of the journey
Enhancing the experience of healthcare delivery for individuals at every stage of their lives
Our flagship programmes
Implementation Support
Each intervention offers the opportunity to investigate a person’s health and wellbeing, as a Nation we are growing older, living with more complex health conditions, enabling us to live well at home is now a priority. Moving from a reactive system to one that is more proactive can change the narrative supporting people to live well for longer, therefore, utilising safe systems to recognise and respond to deterioration both verbally and digitally connects homes with health and social care support.
We have built a reputation for maximising the benefits on a personal, commissioning and commercial level through our evaluation services, promoting system wide learning to enable transformational change.
Either a pilot or scale our interest is to improve outcomes by creating one system for the system. Our work has taken us from influencing the design of hospital digital systems that enable critical decision making to much closer to home using telehealth support. Helping people to remain where they chose to by connecting their needs to the wider system by utilizing one common language verbally and digitally.
Recently recognised at the HSJ awards for our award-winning work, this builds on years of messaging moving culture from reactive to proactive care delivery that is both safe and innovative.
Our implementation focuses on the whole life cycle using three aims
1- keep it simple we work together with you to simplify processes, reduce duplication, and to encourage adoption at each system level
2 - keep it direct we work on each level to engage everyone on your journey
3 - keep it impactful we use your qualitative and quantitative data to tell your story from the people who use it to inform spend, future services and healthcare delivery.
Safe Hands
The Safe Hands Programme focus is on a culture shift to enable proactive patient safety, quality improvement and human factors. Join a growing community of like-minded people, accessing a trusted space who want to make a difference.
The Safe Hands Programme runs workshops, training and offers a virtual resource for people who want to learn about proactive patient safety, continuous quality improvement and human factors to implement it into their projects.
Passionate about leadership and enabling others, social care is where our heart is, building a community of people around you to access learning, wider networks, drive innovation and have a confident voice that is heard by the person at the back of a room to bring about positive change.
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